NEMA Optical Systems for Power LEDs

High-tech reflectors for lighting applications in any type of sport structures and environments, indoor and outdoor

NEMA Optical System is a new-concept optical system for LEDs and consists of a panel made of 36 optics designed for most popular Power LEDs, ready-to-use for the most diverse lighting applications, indoor and outdoor.

NEMA Systems maximize the light flux from the Power LEDs through its optics, so creating a perfect and high-efficient beam typically characterized by the NEMA standards.

The high optical efficiency of NEMA Systems combined with the high intensity from the Power LEDs lead to an optical system able to guarantee high lighting performance while being a real cost-effective and energy-saving optical solution.

NEMA Optical Systems for Power LEDs; Module dimensions: 110mm x 120mm side, 9,26mm height – NEMA 5

NEMA Optical Systems for Power LEDs; Module dimensions: 110mm x 120mm side, 9,26mm height – NEMA 4

NEMA Optical Systems for Power LEDs; Module dimensions: 110mm x 120mm side, 9,26mm height – NEMA 2 / NEMA 3

NEMA Optical Systems for Power LEDs; Module dimensions: 110mm x 120mm side, 9,51mm height – 15°x 40° FWHM

NEMA Optical Systems for Power LEDs; Module dimensions: 110mm x 120mm side, 9,51mm height – NEMA 7

NEMA Optical Systems for Power LEDs; Module dimensions: 110mm x 120mm side, 9,51mm height – NEMA 5

NEMA Optical Systems for Power LEDs; Module dimensions: 110mm x 120mm side, 9,51mm height – NEMA 4

NEMA Optical Systems for Power LEDs; Module dimensions: 110mm x 120mm side, 9,51mm height – NEMA 3

NEMA Optical Systems for Power LEDs; Module dimensions: 110mm x 120mm side, 9,51mm height – NEMA 2 / NEMA 3

Silicone Gasket for NEMA Optical Systems

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Via Alessandrina, 25
20095 Cusano Milanino, (MI) Italy
Fax: +39.02.6601.3500