Home » Optoelectronic Components » Lenses for IR LEDs
We design, manufacture, and sell a full range of lenses for IR LEDs. We provide a wide range of lenses made of PC IR and PMMA IR of standard diameters from 3mm to 20mm, other dimensions are available on request. Lenses for IR LEDs can be used in many applications such as: interface with LEDs, photodiodes, phototransistors, lighting systems, display, infrared for security systems and thousands of other applications.
Khatod Optoelectronic Srl
Via Alessandrina, 25
20095 Cusano Milanino, (MI) Italy
Telephone +39.02.6601.3695
Fax +39.02.6601.3500
E-mail: khatod@khatod.com
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